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Sunday School & Small Groups

Bible studies and small groups meet to help us learn more about our faith and to grow in our relationship with God and one another.

Sunday School for All Ages

We offer Sunday School for all ages each week at Highland from 9:50-10:50 AM

Children's Sunday School

Highland is committed to helping our children grow in faith as they grow in years. We have classes for children ages 3-5th grade at 10 AM each Sunday morning, where we dig into Bible stories and connect them to our lives.This fall, we will be using the new Big Faith curriculum from Cokesbury. You can learn more about Big Faith here.

Children 3 years-pre-K 5's gather in Room 104. Grades K-5 meet in Room 202. Contact Amy Takahashi for more information.

Youth Sunday School

Youth meet every Sunday at 9:50 AM in the Youth Room. Contact Neil Smith for more information.

Adult Sunday School

Highland has a wide variety of adult groups that gather to grow in their faith, build friendship, and serve together. Classes meet on Sunday mornings 9:45 - 10:45 AM.  All are welcome to join any group. Questions about any of our Sunday School classes for adults?  Contact Rev. Janet Baucom.

  • Connectors Class - Room 206 - You are invited to the Connectors Sunday School class! We are younger & middle-age adults growing in our faith and building a community where we can share our joys and challenges and lean on each other. This Fall, we are "Falling in Love with Jesus’ Love" with two excellent DVD-based studies. The class is designed so that anyone can drop in week to week—you don’t have to commit to a full study! Childcare is provided in the nursery and in children’s Sunday School (3 and up), but babies are always welcome to join us.

We are also excited to plan a service project to share Jesus’ love in our community and the world and we'd would love to add your gifts and ideas to that conversation. Class contact Corrine Lusic

  • SALT Class- Room 302 - Discussion based class of 50 & 60-somethings seeking individual growth and church/community involvement. Class contact Ruth Moore
  • Fellowship Class - Room 209 - This class of older adults covers a wide range of topics and interests, inviting guest speakers and often focusing on social justice issues. They also meet for monthly socials and to support local mission efforts. Class contact Charlie Stuber
  • Upper Room Class - Room 304 - A group of older adults who take turns leading discussion following the "Adult Bible Study" series.  Class contact John Robinson
  • Seekers Class - Room 305 - This class uses DVD studies based on the Bible and on Christian living that are produced by a variety of religious leaders. Founded in 1973 because they were "seeking" to grow in their faith, they welcome lively discussions that are led by various class members. Social activities include dine-outs and seasonal gatherings that include good food and fellowship. Class contact Debbie Carroll

    • Jan. 5 - Feb. 9: "Knowing Who We Are: The Wesleyan Way of Grace" by Lacey C. Warner (Professor at Duke Divinity)
      Feb. 23 - April 6:  "The Final Days: A Lenten Journey Through the Gospels" by Matt Rawle
      March 2 - No Sunday school; one Worship Service at 10 am
      April 13 - May 18:  "The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World" by Adam Hamilton

Small Groups

Since Christianity's earliest days, followers of Jesus gathered in one another's homes for meals and times of prayer.  Participation in such small groups was a central part of early Methodism.  That tradition continues at Highland!  We encourage every disciple of Jesus to be part of a small group where you:

    • Help each other to grow and deepen his/her faith, being able to see God at work in the world around us.
    • Fellowship and build a community of relationships with one another
    • Take care of one another in good times and difficult times
    • Serve together

Interested? Curious about groups going on at Highland and how you can participate? We currently have 6 groups meeting in homes, but there's always opportunities for more individuals and new groups. Contact Rev. Janet Baucom and she'll be glad to help you get plugged in.

Curious about how we structure our small groups? Need a little guidance for a new group? Click here for more info.

Small Groups