Church Picnic
Join us for a church-wide picnic on Sunday, September 11, 5-7 PM at Laurel Hills Park (3808 Edwards Mill Road)
Meet at the Picnic Shelter. We will have drinks and hot dogs will be provided. Bring a side dish or dessert to share
There are activities for children and youth. Come enjoy a hot dog supper, kick ball in the field, time on the playground for kids, and time with friends of all ages!
Youth Families Bible Study and Fellowship
On September 25th from 5-6 in the conference room we are starting a new youth family centered Bible Study and time for fellowship. Please come and join us. Pastor John Tyson will be the leader of this first date! Stick around after for some food and fellowship.
Next dates: 10/23 and 11/20!

Pumpkin Unloading
On October 8th from 10-12 we are unloading Pumpkins on to the front lawn. It is always a ton of fun, a good workout, and a great way to kick off our pumpkin season! We will order some pizza and start selling some pumpkins after they are unloaded.
Fall Festival
On October 9th from 4-6 come and join us for a a wonderful afternoon of games, food, pumpkins, dunking booth, and so much more.

The youth group is heading to Carowinds for their Scarowinds event on October 15th. We will be at Scarawinds from 7:00 in the evening until 10:00. We will leave the church at 3:30 PM and we will be home around 1:00 AM. Sign up below!
Trunk R Treat
Join us in the parking lot for Trunk R Treat from 6:30-8 on October 28th. Wear something scary and fun. This is a church-wide event, so all are invited to come and participate and help out. Reach out to Amy Takahashi at if you want to have a trunk or help in anyway!
Highland is participating in the 2022 CROP Hunger Walk on October 30th at 3:00 to support CWS and help families who are struggling with hunger. We're asking you to join us - with your steps and your donations - to provide more meals for the growing number of people in our community who need them, and greater food security in communities around the world.
Show up to Pullen Park and walk with our group!
From November 11-13th our youth are heading to Rocky Mount for a fun weekend at Pilgrimage. Check out more information below. Register Below!

Christmas Party
On December 18th from 5-7 we are having our annual Youth Group Christmas Party in Bradley Hall. We will wear some goofy sweaters, have a ton of food and desserts, finish our Christmas service project, play white elephant, and of course have our Ginger Bread house competition. Be ready for a ton of fun!
Winter Retreat
Our youth winter retreat will be March 3-5 in Ghent, West Virginia at Winter Place. We have a slope-side cabin for the resort and an awesome weekend planned. Registration is open! Sign up now because early registration ends December 20th! Winter Retreat 2023 Early Registration