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Messy Church

Next Gathering: Sunday, March 9
4 PM (don't worry about getting here exactly on time)

Messy Church is an all-age worship experience that explores God’s love in an accessible way. At Messy Church, today’s busy households of all shapes and sizes are invited into a welcoming space to experience faith.

Everyone is welcome as they are. Whether you are single or partnered, young or old, tidy or messy, have questions or doubts, or are filled with joy or struggling with life, you will be welcomed at Messy Church. Learn more at highlandumc.org/messy-church

LIFT/Wednesday Nights at Highland

February 12-March 26

  • Meal service starts at 5:45 PM
  • Make reservations by noon on Monday
  • Kids eat free every week!
  • Activities for everyone following the meal (6:30-7:30 PM)
    • Book Study with Pastor John:
      • Join Pastor John on the last three Wednesday nights in February and March for conversations sparked by his book Homosexuality: A Conversion: How a Conservative Pastor Outgrew the Idea that Homosexuality is a Sin. The book deals carefully and reverently with scripture and demonstrating how it has been misinterpreted in the past. There is also a chapter from the respected research biologist, Dr. Gregory Prince, explaining the science behind gender identity. Books are available for purchase ($17) at the front desk or you can purchase on Amazon.
    • Beginner's Handbell Choir (Contact kevin@highlandumc.org)
    • Youth Bible Study (contact neil@highlandumc.org)

Learn more at highlandumc.org/lift

Social Justice Forum

Tuesday, February 18, 7 PM, Conference Room

Topic: Immigration. More information TBA. Contact Joe Burton to be added to mailing list for updates.

Monthly Events

UMM Breakfast

Monthly on Second Saturdays, 8:30 AM, Bradley Hall

March 8: All Highland men are welcome to meet for breakfast and fellowship in Bradley Hall. Contact Scott Loftin for more info: s@theloftins.net. Cullen Whitley will share stories about the Disaster Relief Team's work in Western NC after Hurricane Helene.

UMM Breakfast

Pub Theology

Monthly on Second Tuesdays, 7 PM, Buffalo Brothers

March 11: Join us for faith-filled conversation, pizza, and a pint! All are welcome. Let Rev. Janet Baucom know you’re coming and she’ll save you a seat: janet@highlandumc.org.

Pub Theology

Highlanders Senior Adult Fellowship

Monthly on Third Tuesdays, 11:30 AM, Bradley Hall

March 18: Join us for lunch and a program presented by Owen Stone, Community Development Manager with WeSurv, a network of bonded and insured workers who can assist with a variety of tasks around the home and lawn. The menu will be chicken pastry, green beans, sweet potatoes, slaw, rolls and dessert ($15 per person). Sign the roster at the reception desk or call the church by Sunday, March 16 to reserve your spot.


Mommies Group

Monthly on Second Saturdays, 10 AM, Conference Room

Fourth Saturday this month: March 22: We'll have coffee and snacks and childcare! We'll share ideas, concerns, and encouragement. All Moms are welcome. If you can come and need childcare please RSVP to amy@highlandumc.org.


The Stonewall Fellowship: A New LGBTQIA+ Group at Highland

Monthly on Fourth Tuesdays, 7 PM, Parlor

Next Meeting: March 25: As a Reconciling Ministries congregation, this new group will continue in the affirmation of and outreach to this community and their allies. We will meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month. All are welcome! Contact Mark Cox for more information.