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Here at Highland, we believe we are actively called to welcome the immigrant, migrant, and refugee among us, in accordance with the United Methodist Church’s Social Principles. As such, we welcome them with the fullness of Christian love, remembering that as we welcome these, our brothers and sisters, we welcome Jesus our Lord.


Read UMC Council of Bishops’ pastoral letter addressing the plight of migrants, immigrants, and refugees (read in worship at HUMC on 1/5/25)


Here are the ways we’re living into our calling to support immigrants, migrants, and refugees:

Third Tuesday Social Justice Forum

Sponsored by the Highland Micah 6:8 Team
Tuesday, February 18, 7 PM, Conference Room

Topic: The Humanity of Migrants and Immigrants: How do we respond in these times?

Contact Joe Burton, Co-Chair of the Micah 6:8 Committee, with questions.


Providing Groceries for Welcome House Residents

Highland is a longtime partner of the Welcome House Raleigh, a temporary reception housing ministry for refugees and immigrants who do not have a place to live upon arrival to the United States.

Once per quarter, Highland will help provide groceries for the families currently living at Welcome House. Here’s how to help: You can sign up to do the grocery shopping (you’ll have a complete list provided) and deliver the groceries to Welcome House OR you can make a donation to help cover the cost of the groceries. Our next commitment is for Monday, March 3.

Questions? Contact Donna Wolcott or Rev. Janet Baucom. Sign up to help here.