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Advent 2019

Christmas Eve Services:
5 PM Family Service with

candlelight & Communion
7 PM Traditional Service with

candlelight & Communion

Special Events & Services:

Hanging of the Greens - Saturday, Nov. 30
Advent Wreath Workshop - Sunday, Dec. 1, 5 PM

Pachelbel's Magnificat in GSunday, Dec. 8, 11 AM

Youth Party with a Purpose - Sunday, Dec. 15, 5 PM

Come As You Are Nativity - Wednesday, Dec. 18, 6:30 PM
Longest Night Worship Service - Thursday, Dec. 19, 7 PM

Traditional Lessons and Carols - Sunday, Dec. 22, 8:30 AM

Bluegrass Christmas Service - Sunday, Dec. 22, 11 AM
Moravian LoveFeast - Sunday, Dec. 29, 11 AM
(only one worship service on the 29th)

Thrill of Hope

A Thrill of Hope

"Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn"

We are becoming more and more aware of the increasing darkness, the darkness of shorter days and of a deeply divided world. In Advent, we celebrate the thrill of hope that God does not leave us alone but sends Christ, the light of the world.

Bluegrass Christmas

Sunday, December 22, at 11 AM in the Sanctuary

Join us for a special service of lessons and bluegrass-style carols, featuring members of our Connection Praise Band. There will be no separate Connection service that morning.

Christmas Cantata

Sunday, December 8, at 11 AM in the Sanctuary

The Highland Choir will join with organist Marcia Nance, bass violinist Dennis McLain, and members of the NC Symphony Orchestra to present Johann Pachelbel's Magnificat in G on Sunday, December 8 at the 11 AM traditional service.

Longest Night

The Longest Night

A Service of Light in the Midst of Darkness

Thursday, December 19, 7 PM

Christmas can be a bittersweet time of year.  The Longest Night is a service for all, especially those who have experienced loss or find the holidays a difficult time of year.  It is a service to express sadness and concern, to realize that we are not alone, to remember those in need, and to experience the healing presence of God as we await the coming of Christ.  Join us to hear scripture, offer prayers for wholeness, receive Holy Communion, and hear songs that acknowledges God’s comfort for those who mourn, grieve, and struggle.  All are welcome.

Moravian Lovefeast

We'll gather for one worship service on Sunday, December 29 at 11 AM  in the Sanctuary to continue our celebration of the Christmas season with our rendition of a traditional Moravian Lovefeast.  This service of lessons and carols includes special refreshments, lots of holiday music, and opportunities to share how we have seen God at work in our lives. (No children or youth Sunday School classes on December 29.)


Hanging of the Greens

Help decorate the church for the holiday season on Saturday, November 30 at 9 AM in the Sanctuary and in Bradley Hall.

Advent Wreath Workshop

Everyone is invited to a simple potluck meal and evening of holiday crafts on Sunday, December 1 at 5 PM.  We'll gather in Bradley Hall for our dinner; bring a pot of soup or side dish to share.  After we eat, the supplies will be one hand to make your own Advent wreath to use at home for celebrating the season.  Donations are appreciated to help cover the costs of the wreath supplies and if you've made one in past years, please bring your frame to use again.

Come As You Are Nativity

Come As You Are Nativity

Come, young and old, children and adults, to the Sanctuary on Wednesday, December 18, at 6:30 PM, for our annual retelling of the Christmas story:  angels, shepherds, animals in the manger, wise men (and women) who travel from afar -- there's a role for everyone to play!  It's a fairly short program and there's no rehearsals or sign-ups -- just come as you are.

Advent Devotionals

Our Advent Devotional this year is "Let the Heavens Be Glad," devotions drawing the writings of Henri Nouwen. For families with children, we also have "Wonders of His Love: Family Devotions and Activities for Advent" by Amy Welborn. They are free (one per family) and available to pick up at the church beginning November 24.

Remembrance Tree

The Remembrance Tree stands on Highland’s front lawn each December as a way of remembering friends and loved ones during the holiday season.  You can purchase a light for $10 in honor or in memory of someone and proceeds go to support Family Promise. We give thanks to Amy and O’Dell Massey for their help coordinating this ministry each year.  Order forms are in the Narthex at Highland and can be turned into the church office.

Highland will light our 2019 Remembrance Tree on December 1 through December 31.  Lights may be purchased through Sunday, December 1.


If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in memory or honor of a special person and have it placed in the sanctuary during Advent, order forms will be available in the Narthex at Highland throughout November.  Please return the order form and payment to the church office, call Janet Stuber (919-571-1587), or sign-up online below. The cost per plant is $10.  Checks should be made payable to Highland United Methodist Church, "poinsettia" in the memo; purchase online at the link below.  Deadline for ordering is Sunday, December 8. Poinsettias will be available for collection after the Christmas Eve service.

Click here to order your poinsettia online

Click here to pay for your poinsettia online

Pride for Parents

The purpose of the Pride for Parents Christmas Store is to celebrate the birth of Christ by providing low-income parents, in need of financial assistance, a way to purchase gifts for their children at affordable prices. Our goal is to preserve the pride and dignity of the families we serve. Instead of giving families in our community a hand-out, we offer a hand-up so that they can purchase their own toys and gifts at a discounted rate. ​

-DONATE new toys, bikes/helmets, games, books, and clothing for infants thru teens. Drop-off locations will be in the Narthex and Bradley Hall; last day to drop-off will be December 12.
-DONATE $$ or gift cards and Pride for Parents coordinators will purchase new items for the store. Drop off contributions to the church office.
-VOLUNTEER by sorting/pricing toys, stocking shelves, greeting shoppers, helping shoppers with selections, gift wrapping or providing snacks for volunteers. There will be four Pride for Parents locations in Raleigh this season. Click here to sign up to help at any of the locations.