Date: 2/19/25
Menu: Mammi's latin chicken
Cost: $10/person with a maximum of $35/family. Children in 5th grade and younger eat free!
Reservations: Click below to RSVP.
Join us for a delicious meal and fun and fellowship around the table at LIFT (Living in Faith Together). This is a great opportunity for us to enjoy a good meal and build relationships.
Reservations are required each week by noon on Monday. The cost of the meal is $10/person with a maximum of $35/family. Children in 5th grade and younger eat free!
Activities for everyone following the meal! (6:30-7:30 PM)
Book Study with Pastor John
Join Pastor John on the last three Wednesday nights in February and March for conversations sparked by his book Homosexuality: A Conversion: How a Conservative Pastor Outgrew the Idea that Homosexuality is a Sin. The book deals carefully and reverently with scripture and demonstrating how it has been misinterpreted in the past. There is also a chapter from the respected research biologist, Dr. Gregory Prince, explaining the science behind gender identity. Books are available for purchase ($17) at the front desk or you can purchase on Amazon.
Youth Bible Study (Contact for more info)
Beginner’s Handbell Choir (Contact for more info)
...or just visit with friends!