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Remembrance Tree 2020

Many thanks to those who contributed to the 2020 Remembrance Tree.  Remembrances were mailed/emailed to over 350 individuals in the US, Canada and foreign countries generating a net donation to Family Promise of Wake County of over $3,270. We are also grateful to Amy & O’Dell Massey for their leadership of this ministry.


2020 Highland United Methodist Church Remembrance Tree
Light purchased in honor of: Light purchased by:
2020 Fall Duke Memory Makers Massey, Amy & O’Dell
Adams, Carlette Shropshire, Carolyn
Allen, Judy Simpson, Ina
Balmadrid, Christian, Amanda & Isaac Wolcott, Donna & Tom
Barnes, Earleen The Loftin Family
Barnes, Tracy Simpson, Ina
Barr, Fran Simpson, Ina
Baucom, Janet Loftin, Joanie
Bayer, Jason Christian Easley, Wanda
Beam, Addy & Joseph Beam, David & Elizabeth
Birchett, Albert & Ruby Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Bompkamp, Lisa Massey, Amy
Brewer, Kate Loftin, Joanie
Brewer, Mary Kathryn, Chad, Kate, Jack, Gracie & Sam Deaton, George & Beth
Brown, Ed Zweigart, Nancy
Brown, Ron & Mary Zweigart, Nancy
Bruffey, Mrs. Eleanor Deaton, George & Beth
Burnette, Dana & Lisa Woodie Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Burt, Emily Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Cambier-Unruh, Nora & Mike Nance, Marcia
Carroll, Debbie Easley, Wanda
Chapman, Gidget Williams and Daily Dental
Circle #7 Sisters Faucette, Joyce
Clark, Ms. Margaret Liner, Hugh and Mary
Coles, Courtney Davis, Karen
Cook, Helen Simpson, Ina
Cooksey, Linda Edwards, Phyliss
Cornell, James Massey, Amy & O’Dell
Cornman, Krisha Williams and Daily Dental
Cox, Tommy & Gwen Warner, William & Donna
Crook, Judy Davis, Karen
Crossley, Elizabeth & Family Deaton, George & Beth
Cullingford, JoAnn & Bob Liner, Hugh and Mary
Cullingford, Matt & Courtney Liner, Hugh and Mary
Daily, Dr. William J. Williams and Daily Dental
Darling, Lowell & Stephanie Nance, Marcia
Davenport, Mr. & Mrs. Kruger, Doris & Bob
Davis, Christopher Davis, Karen
Deaton, Allen & Zoe Deaton, George & Beth
Deaton, Beth Deaton, George
Deaton, David, Anne, Lucy & Ryan Deaton, George & Beth
Deaton, Paul, Mary, Justin & Mae Deaton, George & Beth
Deaton, Peter & Jack Deaton, George & Beth
DeMars, Nan Simpson, Ina
Dixon, Lee and Carolyn Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Easley, Wanda Downey, Toni
Easter, Gretel & David Zweigart, Nancy
Edwards, Linda Davis, Karen
Edwards, Phyllis Davis, Karen
Emmanuel UMC Family and Choir Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Faucette, Joyce Downey, Toni
Finnerty, Lyn Davis, Karen
Ford, Larry & Linda Zweigart, Nancy
Foster, Tarsha Williams and Daily Dental
Fulton, Woody & Joyce Nance, Marcia
Gay, Mike & Deborah Shropshire, Carolyn
Grady, Pat & Perry Liner, Hugh and Mary
Hamilton, Julie Williams and Daily Dental
Harrington, Scott, Seunghyun, Tristan & Lyana Deaton, George & Beth
Henderson, Anne Simpson, Ina
Henley, Mott Simpson, Ina
Highland UMC Staff Nance, Marcia
Highland UMC Staff and Volunteers Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Hight, Nancy and Lloyd Heron Zweigart, Nancy
Hildebrand, Jerry & Jennie Nance, Marcia
Hildebrand, Rodney & Gloria Nance, Marcia
Hood, Jamie Williams and Daily Dental
Ingle, Margaret Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Isaacs, Ms. Cheryll Beam, David & Elizabeth
Jenks, Mrs. Hazel Driggers, Bynum & Kay
Jernigan, Dawn Davis, Karen
Johnson, Jim Johnson, Connie
Johnson, Rev. Glenda Allen, Judy
Joseph, Ms. Helen Liner, Hugh and Mary
Kinard, David and Glenna Simpson, Ina
Klein, Nancy Simpson, Ina
Kruger, Bob & Doris Beam, David & Elizabeth
Lamb, Tom Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Lee, Jim Davis, Karen
Lee, Sharon Davis, Karen
Lloyd, Mrs. Nelle Beam, David & Elizabeth
Loftin, Colin Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Loftin, Garrett Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Loftin, Hailey Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Loftin, Larry & Wanda The Loftin Family
Lucas, Louie Simpson, Ina
Lukas, Albert & Covington Beam, David & Elizabeth
Lyness, Eileen Simpson, Ina
Martin, Cathy Scott Downey, Toni
Massey, Amy Barnes, Earleen & Hal
Massey, Amy Massey, O’Dell
Massey, Amy & O’Dell Cornell, James
Massey, Amy & O’Dell Davis, Karen
Massey, Amy & O’Dell Easley, Wanda
Massey, Amy & O’Dell Zweigart, Nancy
Massey, Marvin & Sandra Shropshire, Carolyn
Massey, O’Dell Massey, Amy
Meads, Autumn Williams and Daily Dental
Meldau, Ms. Betsy Liner, Hugh and Mary
Miranda, Caitlin Williams and Daily Dental
Moore, Ms. Andella Beam, David & Elizabeth
Moran, Liz Williams and Daily Dental
Nance, Marcia Barnes, Earleen & Hal
Nathan, Jenny Davis, Karen
Nicely, Mary Helen & Ben Liner, Hugh and Mary
O’Donovan, Jacqui Williams and Daily Dental
Pantazis, Ms. Lois Liner, Hugh and Mary
Pearce, Ann Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Quick, Kevin Barnes, Earleen & Hal
Racey, Dianne Easley, Wanda
Ricks, Wayne & Jane Zweigart, Nancy
Robinson, John & Martha Kruger, Doris & Bob
Robinson, John & Martha Anonymous
Rudolph, Lu Ann & Neal Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Scoggins, Ashley Williams and Daily Dental
Scott, Candi Davis, Karen
Scott, Candi Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Scott, Pat Downey, Toni
Scott, Pat Simpson, Ina
Shaw, Barbara Davis, Karen
Shaw, Rudy and Barbara Zweigart, Nancy
Sheaffer, Dr. Lisa Williams and Daily Dental
Sherrill, Fran & Jerry Davis, Karen
Shorter, Jeanne Davis, Karen
Simpkins, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Liner, Hugh and Mary
Simpson, Allen Simpson, Ina
Simpson, Bobby & Nancy Simpson, Ina
Simpson, Danny & Susan Simpson, Ina
Simpson, Eric and Ashley Stallings Simpson, Ina
Simpson, Eric, Katherine & Weathers Simpson, Ina
Simpson, Ina Lucas, Louie
Simpson, Kevin and Ama Simpson, Ina
Simpson, Will, Kelly & Rhett Simpson, Ina
Slavin, Meghan Williams and Daily Dental
Smith, Barbara Easley, Wanda
Smith, Carly Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Smith, Genesy Williams and Daily Dental
Smith, Mary Clack, Deanna
Smith, Ms. Frances Liner, Hugh and Mary
Stenson, Kathy & Kim Simpson, Ina
Stevens, Faye Simpson, Ina
Stimpson, Howard, Britany, Ella, Liam & Kate The Loftin Family
Stimpson, Matt, Racheal, Will, Abby & Emily The Loftin Family
Stimpson, Miriam The Loftin Family
Strayhorn, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Liner, Hugh and Mary
Sweed, Heather Massey, Amy
Sykes, June Sykes, Steve & Debbie
Taylor, Jonathan, Kim, Cameron & Jordan The Loftin Family
Taylor, Lenny The Loftin Family
Taylor, Leonard & Jean The Loftin Family
The Alease Massey Riley Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Cagle Cousins Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Cole Family Davis, Karen
The Duff Family Davis, Karen
The Eads Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell
The Ed Ingle Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Ester Rene Ingle King Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Faucette Grandchildren Faucette, Joyce
The George Ingle Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Linda Calhoun Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Lori Burnette Clayton Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Melva Armstrong Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Michael McPherson Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Norman Ingle Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The O’Dell Massey Children & Grandchildren Massey, Amy & O’Dell
The Pete Massey Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Ronnie Ingle Family Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Sara Ingle Burnette Family & Neal Gann Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
The Upper Room Sunday School Class Davis, Karen
Thompson, Katie Williams and Daily Dental
Thompson, Rosalind Davis, Karen
Thompson, Roz Loftin, Joanie
Toussaint, Mrs. Edith Beam, David & Elizabeth
Tyndall, Mary Louise Faucette, Joyce
Tynes, Hailey Liner, Hugh and Mary
Tynes, IV, Matt Liner, Hugh and Mary
Tynes, Ms. Joyce Liner, Hugh and Mary
Ward, Mrs. Mary Allen, Judy
Ward, Mrs. Mary Driggers, Bynum & Kay
Warner, William & Donna Zweigart, Nancy
Warren, Dale & Barbara Zweigart, Nancy
West, Betsy Zweigart, Nancy
White, Susan Downey, Toni
Whitley, Billy & Ruby Shropshire, Carolyn
Whitley, Dwight & Peggy Shropshire, Carolyn
Williams, Dr. Craig Williams and Daily Dental
Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kruger, Doris & Bob
Winton, Mariwynne Zweigart, Nancy
Wyche, Joe Yvonne Wolcott, Donna & Tom
Zweigart, Liese and Chris Rook Zweigart, Nancy
Zweigart, Nancy Downey, Toni
Zweigart, Nancy Ricks, Wayne & Jane
Zweigart, Warren, Allison and Anna Zweigart, Nancy
Zweigart, Will & Divya Zweigart, Nancy
2020 Highland United Methodist Church Remembrance Tree
Light purchased in memory of: Light purchased by:
Adams, Ozella Barbour Patterson, Katie O’Neal
Alford, Margaret Blue, Carol
Alford, Roy Blue, Carol
Armstrong, Julee Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Arndt, Winifred Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Assenzo, Louise Beam, David & Elizabeth
Beam, Chuck Beam, David & Elizabeth
Beam, Chuck Beam, David & Elizabeth
Beam, Chuck Beam, David & Elizabeth
Bickford, Dennis Williams and Daily Dental (Caitlin Mattachione)
Bostick, Rev. Joe and Julia Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Bowman, Cecil Beam, David & Elizabeth
Brame, Jonathan Easley, Wanda
Brame, Jonathan Easley, Wanda
Brown, Evelyn O’Neal Patterson, Katie O’Neal
Bruffey, Mr. Lewis Deaton, Beth & George
Burgess, John “Mack” Burgess, Kay
Burgess, John “Mack” Burgess, Scott & Graham
Burnette, Johnny Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Cameron, John & Beulah Pearce, Ann & Irv
Connor, Dolly Beam, David & Elizabeth
Coreas, Francisco Williams and Daily Dental (Alisson Coreas)
Cornell, James Glenn Cornell, James Clyde
Daily, James “Randy” Williams and Daily Dental
Davis, Bill Davis, Karen
Davis, Chuck Beam, David & Elizabeth
Deaton, David Deaton, Beth & George
Deaton, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Deaton, Beth & George
Deaton, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Deaton, Beth & George
Deaton, Ms. Dorothy Deaton, Beth & George
Deaton, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. George (George’s parents) Deaton, Beth & George
Dickerson, R. C. Kelly, Donna
Dixon, Nancy Massey Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Eads, Allen Massey, Amy & O’Dell
Easley, Jim Carroll, Debbie & Don
Easley, Jim Easley, Wanda
Easley, Jim White, Susan
Easley, Jim Zweigart, Nancy
Edwards, Catherine Easley, Wanda
Edwards, Donald Edwards, Phyllis
Faucette, Bill Beam, David & Elizabeth
Faucette, Bill Carroll, Debbie & Don
Faucette, Bill Easley, Wanda
Faucette, Bill Zweigart, Nancy
Faucette, Bill L. Faucette, Joyce
Frazier, Jr. MD, Dr. Harold Williams and Daily Dental (Dr. Harold Frazier, III)
Furr, Ray Beam, David & Elizabeth
Gallion, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Deaton, Beth & George
George, Grace The George Family
Gross, Linda Carroll, Debbie & Don
Gross, Linda Blake Beam, David & Elizabeth
Gross, Linda Blake Racey, Diane
Gross, Linda Blake Racey, Diane
Gross, Linda Blake Racey, Diane
Hackney, Peggy Massey, Amy & O’Dell
Hamilton, Wendi Beam, David & Elizabeth
Hanshaw, Sue Johnson, Connie Williams
Hart, Nancy Adams Kelly, Donna
Hasselbach, Bill Piper, Linda & Lanny
Havner, Roberta Havner, Kerry
Hight, Charlie G. Mills, Harriet H.
Hight, Lura O. Mills, Harriet H.
Horst, Patricia Williams and Daily Dental (Kaelin Juresic)
Hottel, Betty Faucette Faucette, Joyce
Huntington, Marion Beam, David & Elizabeth
Ingle, Clyde & Fannie Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Ingle, George Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Ingle, Norma Jean Dawsey Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Ingle, Uncle Fred and Aunt Ruth Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Jenkins, Judith Beam, David & Elizabeth
Johnson, Anne Johnson, Connie Williams
Johnson, Anne Johnson, Connie Williams
Johnson, Betty Johnson, Connie Williams
Johnson, Betty Johnson, Connie Williams
Johnson, Sean Carlyle Johnson, Glenda
Johnson, William H. Johnson, Glenda
Jones, Bob Babcock, Bill & Marty
Jones, Bob Carroll, Debbie & Don
Jones, Bob Piper, Linda & Lanny
Jones, Bob Zweigart, Nancy
Jones, Larry “Mac” Kelly, Donna
Joslyn, Donald Preston Blue, Carol
Kasaba, Kitty Williams and Daily Dental (Rae Kasaba)
Kaylor, Annie Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Kelly, Patsy W. Beam, David & Elizabeth
Kesler, Mrs. Carole Deaton, Beth & George
Klein, Ron Babcock, Bill & Marty
Klein, Ron Beam, David & Elizabeth
Klein, Ron Easley, Wanda
Lackey, Shasta Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Lamy, Lucille Guilka Beam, David & Elizabeth
Landvater, Dorothy Kahler Beam, David & Elizabeth
Lankford, Christine Kelly, Donna
Ledford, Nancy Walker, Joyce
Lyons, Nancy Beam, David & Elizabeth
Massey, Hubert & Ophelia Massey, Amy & O’Dell
Massey, Pete Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Matta, Eliecer “Tio” Walker, Joyce
McPherson, Joe Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Mills, Roger G. Mills, Harriet H.
Moran, Bill Nance, Marcia
Morrill, Edward Wilson, Johanna and Helen
Murphy, Joann Blue, Carol
Nall, Mrs. Carolyn Deaton, Beth & George
Nance, Mac Beam, David & Elizabeth
Neace, Marianne Williams and Daily Dental (Sumur Neace)
Parker, Miriam Parker, Donna P.
Parker, Skip Beam, David & Elizabeth
Pearce, E.P. & Sarah Pearce, Ann & Irv
Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Blue, Carol
Porter, Dr. George H. Scott, Ann
Porter, Dr. Virginia Scott, Ann
Reesey Walker, Joyce & John
Reeves, Mr. Richard Deaton, Beth & George
Rehm, Joanna Babcock, Bill & Marty
Rehm, Joanna Beam, David & Elizabeth
Riley, Alease Massey Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Robbins, Jim Blue, Carol
Ruby & Joe Williams and Daily Dental (Emily Holt)
Sanderson, Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Beth’s parents) Deaton, Beth & George
Scott, Bill Scott, Ann
Scott, Mr. William R. Deaton, Beth & George
Shultz, Cindy Beam, David & Elizabeth
Simpson, Robert M. Simpson, Ina
Smither, Margaret & Tony Smither, Meg & Lee
Smither, Mary & Jack Smither, Meg & Lee
Speece, Herb & Ruth Sykes, Steve & Debbie
Spencer, Rev. Glenna Beam, David & Elizabeth
Stimpson, Sam Loftin, Scott, Joanie, Colin, Garrett & Hailey
Sykes, Jack and Dot Sykes, Steve & Debbie
Taylor, Joan Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Taylor, Josh Williams and Daily Dental (Tess Bishop)
Taylor, Vivian Loftin, Scott & Joanie
The Cagle Cousins Massey, Amy & O’Dell and James Cornell
Traub, Mr.& Mrs. M. M. Deaton, Beth & George
Triplett, Blanche Nance, Marcia
Triplett, Mrs. Blanche Driggers, Bynum & Kay
Triplett, Mrs. Blanche S. Beam, David & Elizabeth
Tudor, Lee Blue, Carol
Tyson, Dee Williams and Daily Dental (Anna Parris)
Verdejo, Tonda Williams and Daily Dental (Diane Womble)
Via, Erin and Bob Johnson, Connie Williams
Walker, Skinner Walker, Joyce & John
Webb, Neil Smither, Meg & Lee
Wescott, Barbara Clack, Deanna
Wescott, Barbara Easley, Wanda
Wescott, Barbara Copeland, Karen & Jim Rhew
Wescott, Barbara Sherrill, Fran & Jerry
White, Bill Easley, Wanda
Whitford, Leona Harris Loftin, Scott & Joanie
Williams, Dr. Mike Williams and Daily Dental
Williams, Dr. Mike Williams and Daily Dental (Caroline Sanchez)
Williams, Dr. Mike Williams and Daily Dental (Michelle Martin)
Williams, Dr. Mike Johnson, Connie Williams
Williams, Mike (Flydaddy) to Christin & Family Johnson, Connie Williams
Williams, Mike (Flydaddy) to Craig & family Johnson, Connie Williams
Williams, Polly Babcock, Bill & Marty
Williams, Polly Massey, Amy & O’Dell
Williams, Rudy Nance, Marcia
Wilson, Mrs. Louise Beam, David & Elizabeth
Zweigart, Lynn Winton, Mariwynne
Zweigart, Tom Beam, David & Elizabeth
Zweigart, Tom Easley, Wanda
Zweigart, Tom Winton, Mariwynne
Zweigart, Tom Ricks, Wayne & Jane
Zweigart, Tom Zweigart, Nancy